Run a command that will run the file ~/ at 3PM using the 'at' command. Hint: If 'at' is not installed by default, you will need to install 'at' using sudo aptitude install at (in Mint) or sudo apt-get install at (in Ubuntu). (Check Your Work: If you would like to test your command, schedule ~/ to run at a sooner time such as one minute in the future. Wait then check the ~/Desktop/scriptran.txt file. If the script ran at the time you set, that file should contain a timestamp for the time you set).
Make sure to read this carefully as there are multiple parts to answer. We want to run a command that will take a while to complete. For the purpose of this question, that command is "sleep 3000" which will do nothing more than wait 50 minutes then stop. With that sleep command running, how do we pause the command? With the sleep command now paused, what command would run to see its job ID? How would we resume the sleep command by running it in the background? How would we then bring that command back to the foreground? (Tip: With the sleep command now running in the foreground, you can use Ctrl+C to stop it running and be returned to your terminal prompt)