How would the quality of school facilities could affect the


1. Identifying a general area of interest and connected questions in a broad sense

2. Turning the aforementioned statement of general interest into one specific research ?question; writing an essay proposal identifying: the question to be answered, the method of necessary research and the material this research would be based upon (discussions with fellow students and tutors)

3. Writing a 2500-word essay as answer of the question developed on the earlier stages

The formal grading will be based on the written essay. The External Examiner will receive a sample of the essays.

The assignment is designed as a preparation for conducting conceptual (non-empirical) research based on hermeneutics as methodology. It is organised in three distinct steps:

1) Identifying a general area of interest and connected questions in a broad sense:

- The goal here is to find out what is interesting for you: a certain area of Education ?Studies, a certain question with regard to education, a specific problem in the ?realm of education etc.

- It is therefore important to keep observing yourself: What did you find ?interesting, memorable, and questionable in the lectures or seminars? What topic would you like to engage with in a more thorough way? (It would be helpful for you to keep some sort of diary with all the interesting problems and questions you might encounter or become aware of during the lectures and seminars.)

2) Turning the aforementioned statement of general interest into one specific research question:

- Conceptual hermeneutical research refers to the reflected and critical interpretation of human artefacts (texts, pictures, architecture etc.) in the light of a specific perspective

- Conceptual hermeneutic research is characterised by three main features:

o A clearly formulated question and a clear awareness of what answering  this specific question entails (and what it doesn't entail)?o A clear concept of the method of answering the specific question (hermeneutics) and the material that is needed to answer the question o A clear awareness of the processes by which the specific form of the question, the chosen method and the selected material enable and, at the same time, limit and restrict the possible answer that is given to the question

3) Writing a 2500-word essay in answer to the question developed on the earlier stages - Conceptual hermeneutic research writing is characterised by:

o An introduction?that introduces the question that will be answered (and a rationale for why answering this particular question is important), the method that will be used to answer the question and the material upon which the answering will draw; it will also include an outline of the essay (a description of how the essay is structured, that is: In order to answer the big question, which smaller questions will be answered and why those questions and why in this specific order?); the introduction can but doesn't have to include a hypothetical answer to the question (if it does then the essay is structured as a proof that the hypothesis is correct or that it isn't)

o A main part?that presents a clearly structured argument in form of the development of an answer to the overall question in several steps; each step rests upon the former one, and only what truly is relevant to answer the question is included in the essay

o A conclusion?that presents the reader with an answer to the overall question of the essay, a reflection upon the limitations of/ the problems with the answer that is given, and an outlook for future research (what questions remained unanswered; what research needs to be done now; how could the given answer be improved; etc.)

o Structuring sentences (meta-speech about the essay)? which introduce and connect the different parts of the essay (usually by saying what has been talked about before, what will be talked about now, and why)

o Form?Which include correct, precise and clear language (academic English in correct syntax and semantics), correct inclusion of quotations/ citations, necessary lists in a correct form (reference list, list of tables/ pictures if necessary, etc.)

Marking criteria and scheme

Each question will be marked against the criteria noted below and then an aggregated overall score will be recorded as a final percentage mark.

Essay Question: How would the quality of school facilities could affect the learning system

I mean by facilities that anything that can be used by the teacher or the student in order to get benefit such as using resources etc.

Subheading questions are needed to develop the argument, the questions need to relate to the essay question for example: how would it help teachers to do their job in an effective way? How would it influence the pupil's learning skills? Interaction with one another?

I'm allowed to have only one reference (chapter from a book or an academic article that talks about the essay question).

Important note: I'm allowed to give my opinion in the essay so it is ok to use the word I

Limitation is important when answering the question.

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Dissertation: How would the quality of school facilities could affect the
Reference No:- TGS02551177

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