Discussion: The Dead
1- "A Solo Song for Doc" by James Alan McPherson read the introduction and evaluate the assessments made by Howe in the stories Introduction. 200 Words. NOT INCLUDING WORK CITED
Using book source Classic Modern Fiction Edited by Irving Howe (PAGES 607-610) ONLY
2- How would the "Doing Gender" perspective see bodies? What are ways in which the body is a resource for doing gender? Please answer the question by using the book SOURCE BELOW:. 250 WORDS NOT INCLUDING WORK CITED
Ryle, R. (2015). Questioning Gender: A Social Exploration. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
3- How is the expression of masculinity different for able-bodied men and men with CP? Please answer the question by using the article.
Article: The Search for Sexual Intimacy for Men with Cerebral Palsy by Russell P. Shuttleworth.