
How would malcolm x and martin luther king jr respond to

Doctor Mitch

How would Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. respond to the current racial climate in the United States? This essay will ask you to apply the thinking of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X (as evidenced in the document reader) to today's racial problems. This will require a bit of research about specific current events that can be used as an example for the application.

You will need to cite, through footnotes, the sources for your paper. Please refer to the citation guide on the library website and use "The Chicago Manual of Style" for all references: https://libguides.csusb.edu/citation. The paper does not require a bibliography or works cited page.

The paper needs to be type written and should range from 750-1000 words in length. The paper must be uploaded onto the course Blackboard site by the deadline,Wednesday June, 1st. Late papers will not be accepted.

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History: How would malcolm x and martin luther king jr respond to
Reference No:- TGS01421938

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