Watch the YouTube videos "How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms | WSJ" and "6 big ethical questions about the future of AI | Genevieve Bell".
• The presenter in the first video is an Anthropologist who views the world through the lens of a social scientist. As a student of management through a university College of Business, please share your opinion in response to the following question: IS the discipline of business a social science, or no? If yes, in what ways. If no, how does it differ?
• Imagine if, starting tomorrow, U.S. corporate hiring and promotion programs began using American-made AI software written by a young, white male who built their subtle stereotypes against minorities, women, and older workers into the algorithms. What types of hiring and promotion conditions would different populations expect to face, given their projected increases or decreases by the year 2050?
• How would this fictional American company, using biased AI hiring and promotion software and lacking corporate governance, treat its employees? How would employees likely treat the company? How would employees and the organization treat other economic agents? Is the company being socially responsible?