How would a leader exhibiting the four characteristics

Discussion Post: The Dark Side of Leadership

• Read Chapter 16 of our textbook, including all Pro?les and Highlights for an additional perspective.

• Read the minicase, "You Can't Make Stu? Like This Up," at the end of Chapter 16.

• Write a paper incorporating information from the textbook. Respond to the following questions related to the minicase.

o How does Jim's behavior depict the dark side of leadership described in Chapter 16 as it relates to "bad leadership, managerial incompetence, and managerial derailment"?

o How would a leader exhibiting the four characteristics of admired leadership noted above by Kouzes and Posner respond in this case study, in contrast to Jim's behavior?

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How would a leader exhibiting the four characteristics
Reference No:- TGS03138381

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