
How will your solution be integrated into other



In this assignment, you assume the role of the enterprise's CIO.

As the CIO you are impressed with the concept of the app presented to you in Assignment 1 by the Manager, and have commissioned, on your behalf, a senior member of your ICT department to prepare a comprehensive report to the CFO of the company presenting a business case for the strategic development, implementation and integration of the app within the existing organizational and information systems framework.

There are a number of technical and non-technical issues that need to be fully researched and investigated in writing up your report with specific reference to the proposed app from Assignment

1. The business case also typically documents changes to the nature of the enterprise's business, business processes, people skills and competencies, enabling technology, and organisational structure. Enterprise mobile app development entails creating apps that require rules, roles and permissions; apps that interact with back-end transactional systems; and apps that meet security and privacy requirements.

As all the topics listed below, may or may not apply to the proposal, you need to explain what they are, and how they would or would not affect the proposal. Clearly state any assumptions you have had to make in attempting to address any of the topics.

The report will include:

- Letter of transmittal
- Cover sheet
- Executive summary: This section should be completed after the rest of the document is finished and should be a succinct summary of all your major points; it should not contain any information that is not elsewhere in the document. Keep it concise. For the costs and benefits, summarise the main points and include sufficient detail so that your executive or approval committee can use this page as a ready reference.

- Background: Provide a brief history of how the project came into being, and from where the authority and drive for it comes. Include background on the nature of the work conducted that explains why you want to take on the project.
- Proposed solution: Summarise clearly here the problem that the project is aiming to address. This should highlight any previous analyses of the problem that have been done and where the impetus for change exists; that is, where is the ‘pain' and who is feeling it; and, if necessary, why your area or the department should be doing something about this and what are the likely consequences of not addressing the problem.
- Cost analysis: Summarise the costs and supporting assumptions associated with the proposed solution, including ongoing costs
- Strategic alignment within the organization's business and IT strategies: "A common cause of project failure is the lack of a clear link between the project and the organisation's key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success." Provide the high-level, strategic objectives of the facility/organisation within which this project sits, or the overall objective of your division or department. Describe how the enterprise can take advantage of the potential changes caused by the proposed solution to empower its workers and help create a more effective organization.
- Value proposition and other benefits: A value proposition is a positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide for who and how you do it uniquely well. It describes your target buyer, the problem you solve, and why your solution is distinctly better than the alternatives.
- Project management and control: Who will oversee progress? Who will manage the project? How will the facility executive be kept informed of progress?

- Infrastructure requirements:
o Development platforms: Outline which development platforms the application will work on. IOS, Android etc. o Coding languages and tools: Describe which programming language and tools will be used to develop the application.
o Cloud services: Will cloud services be used and how.
- Software design, development methodologies and testing strategies
- Internationalization for a global market
- Social media integration strategies: How and why will the application be linked or integrated into social media. Look at social media API strategies to determine if there is anything relevant for your application.
- Risk management - privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues etc.: Develop a risk profile for your application and identify the major risks. Provide a summary of the aggregated risk ratings, highlighting the major risks that will have an effect on the business objectives and benefits.
- Integration and deployment strategies: How will your solution be integrated into other applications and systems, and deployed across the enterprise.
- User acceptance and change management: How will you validate user acceptance and manage changes within the development and post development phases.
- Maintenance: How will the product be updated and patched through its lifecycle.
- Future opportunities and enhancements: Future roadmap for the proposal.
- Recommendations and conclusion
- List of references: Minimum 15 references.
- Appendices


1. Ideas obtained from sources must be included in your discussion by expressing the idea in your words and citing the source using the Harvard Referencing style.

2. Direct quotes of more than five (5) words will not be considered a demonstration of your knowledge and will be assessed accordingly.

3. The assignment must be the expression of your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to this assignment must be done on your own.

4. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in Academic Regulation 5.10 of the USQ Handbook. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the Faculty of Business policy for further details.

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Dissertation: How will your solution be integrated into other
Reference No:- TGS02926054

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