
How will your philosophical perspective impact your

What is your philosophy of education (Perennialism/ Essentialism/ Progressivism/ Existentialism/ Social Reconstructivism)?

Cite the relevant philosophers and ideas discussed in your text and/or examined in class.

How will your philosophical perspective impact your teaching style? How will your teaching placement modify your philosophy?

How do your personal values, political proclivities, class consciousness, racial perspectives, and historical insights influence your outlook?

Why is it important to have a philosophy of education?


Double-spaced, word-processed, 1-inch margins, 12-point font.

Conventions: Spelling, usage, paragraphing, and sentence structure.

Length/format: Appropriate to question (5 pages).

Completeness: Thorough discussion compact crystallization")

The writing should be scholarly, but natural, unforced, and shot through with wit, passion, delight, and/or intrigue.

There should be an engaging "sound" to the writing, a contrast in sentence length and cadence. It doesn't plod; it has lilt. Thus, "write for the ear."

(You can find a pdf of the textbook online in case you need to use it - (*Ornstein, A.C., Levine, D.U., Gutek, G.L., & Vocke, D.E. (2017). Foundations of Education. (13th ed.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin)

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Dissertation: How will your philosophical perspective impact your
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