
How will your dependent variable be measured


Smokers and nonsmokers on depression scores

The 4th step in hypothesis testing is to compute your data.

Creswell (2008) gave a list of questions to ask yourself to determine what tests to use:

1. Do you plan to compare groups or relate variables in your hypothesis or research questions?

2. How many independent variables do you have in one research question or hypothesis?

3. How many dependent variables do you have? (typically one but if more than one usually looked at one at a time)

4. How will your independent variable be measured? (ratio are continuous variables)

5. How will your dependent variable be measured?

6. How are your scores distributed? Can you assume a normal curve?

For these null hypothesis what type of measures will you use?

  • There is no difference between smokers and nonsmokers on depression scores.
  • There is no difference between smokers and nonsmokers and peer group affiliation.

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Other Subject: How will your dependent variable be measured
Reference No:- TGS01893683

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