How will you represent social justice issues in your

Social Justice In My Teaching

Social Justice In My Teaching. In this assignment, you will tackle the issue of social justice as it relates to your future teaching( in saudi arabia). First, you must determine your target teaching level as an English teacher (collage students). As an introduction to your paper, describe briefly the context in which you will be working or in which you want to work: What kind of school (puplic or private), with what age(s) of learners (18 and up), and what is the second-language acquisition level of these learners (beginners, intermediate, advanced) is (intermediate).

Then answer nine questions from the sheet you will be given. Question 9 will require a Unit Plan. Please answer questions 1-8 on your own although you are welcome and encouraged to discuss your answers with others. ansewer thw 8 questions in 2-3 pages for each question one pargraph

1. What aspect of social justice--or lack of it-has aff.ted you the most? What experiences have you had that have helped to shape your attitudes and passion about social justice?

2. What aspects of racism/prejudice represent the -dark side" of your culture-those aspects that arc so threatening to the powers-that-be that you probably could not incorporate those topics into the curriculum without -pushback" (negative sanctions) from the authorities?

3. How does your privilege (relating to diversity) make it easy for you to find a job in your country? How does your position of privilege make it hard for you to take a powerful stand against the aspects represented in question 43?

4. What values will your students see exemplified in you when they are in your classroom? What aspect of the struggle for social justice wills your teaching model for them?

5. How will you represent social justice issues in your curriculum?

6. What "ground rules" do you think you will need in order to guard against an oppressive atmosphere in your classroom?

7. What supports will you have as you incorporate anti-oppression teaching?

8. What barriers do you anticipate as you incorporate anti-oppression teaching?

9. Working with a partner, create an instructional unit for your target level. Focus on one intriguing problem that relates to social justice issues that might be a "do-able" topic for your English learners.

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English: How will you represent social justice issues in your
Reference No:- TGS01104042

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