How will you explain the need for a coop

Assignment task: Your immediate supervisor wants you to serve as the continuity coordinator for your agency, organization, or company. However, you have learned that the organization does not have a continuity of operations (COOP) plan or business continuity plan (BCP), and senior management does not know much about what continuity planning is or does. Address all of the following:

I. Developing executive level support. How will you explain the need for a COOP (or BCP if private sector) and persuade senior leadership to support the effort?

II. Planning team. What positions or parts of the organization will you want to be on the planning team?

III. Gathering information. Your supervisor wants the organization to use a continuity planning template such as the one Fairfax County (VA) provided to its departments. Outline the process you will recommend for gathering information from all relevant parts of the organization to complete such a template.

IV. Rolling out the COOP/BCP. How will you make sure personnel know how and when to use the plan? Outline the training and exercise strategy.

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Reference No:- TGS03363206

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