Write a detailed 2+ page paper on EACH the specific types of digital media that would be relevant or helpful to your business.
Write a 2-page report for as many of these topics as you choose,in a single document:
E-Mail Marketing - How you will create a database, and the kinds and frequency of emails you will send out? What service will you use and what will it cost? Explain the key features and benefits of your selected service (suggest you research Mail Chimp and Constant Contact at a minimum)
Marketing Automation - Explain how you will use marketing automation tools to create a personalized systematic communication program with target and actual customers (check out Mail Chimp and Constant Contact at a minmum)
Display Advertising to Acquire New Customers - Include banner and interstitial ads, static and video ads, detail common sizes and costs, key vendors, etc.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization- Explain how you will build an SEO program to promote traffic to your website, and what is involved in the process
Mobile Marketing and Apps - How will you customize your website to be mobile responsive? Will you build an app, and if so, what will the functionality and key features be? How long will it take to build your app, and how much will it cost?
Geolocation Services -How can you use geolocation technology to engage customers and drive them to engage with you and your business? Explain different geolocation services, options, and features.
Social Media Networks- Which social media networks will you use to market your business? Explain in detail how you will use each one, and give examples of the type of content you will use for each. Research HootSuite and explain how it will help you manage your social media networks.
Online Contests and Interactive Programs- Go to OfferPop.com and research the various interactive engagement options. Choose at least 3 different services and explain how you would use them to build your business.
YouTube and Vine- How will you use video to build your business? Explain the types of videos you will create. How will you promote or drive traffic to view them, and what kind of content will you feature in each? Tell how you can make money on YouTube through traffic.
LinkedIn- Explain in detail how can you use LinkedIn to promote yourself in your job search. Then explain how you can use LinkedIn to build your business - finding customers, employees, vendors, and more.