
How will you create value propositions to meet the

Assignment :    Project Writing   

The Walt Disney Company is one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Walt Disney Company decided to start its operation in Saudi Arabia with a theme Park named as Disney Land. The Company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region.

Assignment Objectives & Requirements:

1. To Market the Disney Land in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you have towite:

a. Introduction about Disney Land business.

b. Product and type of services.

c. Business statement.

d. Business vision.

e. Business objective.

2. Develop a Marketing Plan for Disney Land in Saudi Arabia.

3. Identify its Micro and Macro Environment  

4. Define SWOT analysis to Disney Land.

5. Analyze the industry by applying Porters Five Forces  

6. How Disney will establish, develop, and enhance mutually beneficial relationships with customers?  

7. How will you plan for marketing Research and maintenance of the customer information?

8. For managing brands what resources you will use?

9. How will you create value propositions to meet the requirements of target customers?

10. What procedures and strategies will you follow use when making pricing decisions?

11. Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method.

12. Describe what are the ethics and laws within your Disney Land.

13. Conclude your report.

Assignment Workload:

  • This assignment is an individualassignment.
  • The word count for this assignment should be between 2500 to 3000words.

Assignment Regulations:

  • All students are encouraged to use their ownwords.
  • Student is allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (3000 word limit means 300 words can becited).
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying fromother resource without referencingit

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Marketing Research: How will you create value propositions to meet the
Reference No:- TGS02493509

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