Assignment Business and Economic
International Trade (extra reading material:
International trade and investment are vital drivers of economic growth. With the size and shape of the world economy changing dramatically in recent years, traditional patterns of trading and investing have had to rapidly evolve alongside it. The challenge is to ensure that the regulatory framework keeps up. There have been so many changes in the way we do business. The growth of the digital economy, the rise of the service sector and the spread of international production networks have all been game-changers for international trade. As well as this, foreign direct investment has become a key element of trade between different countries. Rather than simply trading with international partners, more and more companies are buying controlling stakes in foreign enterprises. (Keith Breene World Economic Forum, 2016)
In the essay address the following points:
a- Discuss, by giving at least one example that would explain your reasoning, what impact Brexit and the intended policies of American president (Donald Trump) will have on International trade in general, and consequently what impact it would have on a Public Relations firm in the Netherlands
b- The United States and China have several unresolved issues surrounding the bilateral trade between both countries. The trade deficit between China and U.S. has swelled immensely as the volume of imports from China grew much more rapidly than those of the U.S (see figure below) from the article "an open shut case"
How will Trump protectionism policies affect the bilateral trade agreement between China and USA? (Use economic theories and the article "an open shut case" to answer this question found here:
c- Economic migrants are seen by some as a threat to jobs and the welfare state. The reality is more complex. Give your reasoned opinion of this statement using the article "needed but not wanted"
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