1. What is the incremental value to shareholders projected in this merger? (Assume the restructuring cost is $330 million in year 1, $50 million in year 2, and $20 million in year 3. Synergy savings are $125 million in year 1, $250 million in year 2, $350 million in year 3 and $350 million in year 4, and it will grow at 3% per year forever after year 4. The corporate tax rate is 40% and the discount rate is 11%.)
2. How will this value of synergies be shared between the two merging firms in the proposed transaction?
3. Given that options, on average, are worth about 31% of the underlying value of the stock on the date of grant,
how much of incremental value created in this transaction will go to the CEOs of the two firms involved?