How will this product brand be positioned

Principles of Marketing


Step 1: Introduction ("Business Challenge") Why is this product needed? A marketing plan is to be persuasive; this should be an influential introduction. Define the product or service from a marketing orientation (focusing on how you will satisfy customer wants and needs better than any other competitive alternative).

A. Describe WHAT it is; WHO it will be targeted to; WHY it will be successful

Step 2: The Market Conduct market research and gather information that will specifically affect the marketing plan for your product.

A. Customers - Target Market (address relevant characteristics)

1. Demographics: age, gender, education, income, ethnicity, geographic location

2. Psychographics: values, lifestyles, activities, interests, opinions, VALS2 type, media habits, shopping habits, spending habits, charitable activities etc.

3. Behaviorally: What benefits are they looking for in this type of product/service? How do they use the product?

4. POSITIONING: How will this product brand be positioned in the target customer's mind relative to competition in the marketplace?

B. INTERNAL Strengths and Weaknesses

C. EXTERNAL Threats and Opportunities


1. Competition

2. Economy

3. Technology

4. Public/Policy, Legal

5. Socio-cultural (demographic and lifestyle trends)

6. Natural environment

D. Collaborators

E. Competitors

Step 3: Develop Marketing Strategies "How are we going to get there?"

A. PRODUCT Strategy

1. Features, advantages/benefits of product or service

2. Brand name, packaging, "ancillary" services (delivery, warranty, credit, etc.)

B. PRICE Strategy


1. Promotional campaign information

2. Promotional tools utilized, mediums, timing


1. Availability of the product/service

2. Type of strategies

3. Intermediaries?

Step 4: Budget

A. Investment for launch

B. Short- and long-term returns

C. Other resources

Step 5: Finishing Touches

A. Provide executive summary at beginning

B. Conclude document at end

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Marketing Management: How will this product brand be positioned
Reference No:- TGS01775496

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