
How will the sex educators for your program be trained


Purpose: The purpose of this activity assignment is for you to examine problematic sexual outcomes, specifically adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and design a sex education program that will reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections while promoting sexual health and community wellness.

This chapter discusses the changing sexual attitudes and behaviors of today's adolescents. Many of these changes have led to some challenging consequences, including teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The most recent data (2013-2017) of West Virginia STIs by district, county, age, and gender.

For this activity assignment, you are being asked to develop a sex education program that will reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections while promoting sexual health and community wellness. In crafting your program, please consider the following information:

1. Developed countries with liberal sexual attitudes, accessible contraceptive services for teens, and formal sex education programs have lower teenage pregnancy rates.

2. Teens are usually sexually active for a number of months before seeking information about contraceptive methods.

3. Fifty percent of new cases of sexually transmitted infections occur in people 15-24 years old.

4. Babies born to adolescent mothers have twice the mortality rate of babies born to mothers in any other age group.

5. Six percent of all teenage females become pregnant each year.

6. Eighty-two percent of sexually active girls use contraception regularly.

7. Seventy-seven percent of pregnancies among 15- to 19-year-old girls were unintentional.

8. One-half of all first-time premarital pregnancies occur in the first 6 months of sexual activity.

9. A large percentage of adolescents do not realize that sexually transmitted diseases come from sexual activity.

10. Young women's bodies are biologically more prone to STIs.

11. Some young people do not get the recommended STI tests.

12. Many young people are hesitant to talk openly and honestly with a doctor or nurse about their sex lives.

13. Not having insurance or transportation can make it more difficult for young people to access STI testing.

14. Some young people have more than one sex partner.

15. STI data specific to West Virginia can be found in Brightspace under "Chapter 6 Content (posted below the power points)."

After designing your sex education program, please answer the following questions:

I. Describe your sex education program. How does it specifically meet the assignment's objective (reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections while promoting sexual health and community wellness)?

II. How does your program incorporate parents, schools, and community involvement?

III. What age group(s) will your program target? How is your program developmentally appropriate for the age group(s)?

IV. How will your program be implemented? How will the sex educators for your program be trained? Will there be a certification process required for the educators?

V. How will you evaluate your program and determine if your program is effective?

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