
How will the program be implemented in the workplace


Make a research and design a wellness prevention program for use in your workplace. Write an essay for this topic Topic is Post Incident/Trauma

Make tasked to develop a prevention and wellness program and are looking to identify:

A. Program goals and objectives for topic Post Incident/Trauma

a. Program goals are statements of broad, long-term accomplishments expected from the program related to a health topic or condition. Each goal should have one or more objectives to ensure that the goal will be successfully accomplished.

b. Objectives should be clear, time-limited and stated in such a way that it is easy to determine whether they have been achieved

B. Program development, topic Post Incident/Trauma

a. How will the program be structured

b. What will be included in the program

c. How to recruit or refer participants for the program

C. Program implementation, topic Post Incident/Trauma

a. How will the program be implemented in the workplace

b. How will you get employee engagement/buy-in

c. How will the program be monitored

D. Program evaluation, topic Post Incident/Trauma

a. How to determine how well the program is working or not working

b. Programs should have established metrics and baselines before the program begins (i.e., measure participation rates, reduction in health care costs, percentage of participants who quit smoking or lost weight, etc.)

E. What are the benefits associated with the recommended programs Post Incident/Trauma?

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HR Management: How will the program be implemented in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS03360115

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