
How will the body digest and then use those nutrients


Initial Post

For this discussion board, you will imagine that you are a nutritionist and a patient has come to you to ask for help creating a diet plan. You will:

· Create the reason as to why this patient is requesting a diet plan (i.e. weight loss, general health, training for a sporting event, etc.). Be specific and provide relevant patient background information.

· Create a diet plan for that individual - i.e. what nutrients should this individual be eating daily including suggested daily intake. Include an example of one days' worth of meals (if you choose to include fasting in your diet plan, you need to thoroughly explain why and include scientific evidence that supports this decision).

· Discuss why you chose this diet plan - how will it help the patient reach their goal?

o Be sure to relate this directly to the digestive system and nutrition

  • What nutrients are included in this diet?
  • How will the body digest and then use those nutrients?

· Include 3 reputable scientific sources that support your diet plan. Reputable sources= peer reviewed scientific journal articles, accredited websites, or books. Google, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable sources. Remember that you can use FTCC's library website (opens in new window) to facilitate your search. Be sure to include in-text citations and properly cite the sources (MLA or APA format) at the end of your initial post.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Biology: How will the body digest and then use those nutrients
Reference No:- TGS03206826

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