Part 1
DQ 1
As we finalize our class, think about the learning outcomes we have covered so far. In relation to this questions, how will technology continue to change the way we understand organizational theory and development?
DQ 2
The world has changed in the way in which organizations are structured and it will continue to change as the force of globalization becomes more pronounced. The argument here is that many more organizations will become virtual in the way that they function as they attempt to reap the benefits of globalization while simultaneously attempting to reduce cost.
The role of leaders will remain the same except the way that leaders play these roles will change and will do so increasingly. The role of communications will take in added significance so will be the building a culture of trust. Leaders will still have to develop a vision for their organizations and share the vision with employees, motivate their employees and create the environment for the development of a culture of trust within their organizations., provide encouragement, reward and motivate employees. However, they will need new approaches to play their leadership roles in a virtual organizational world.
Ruggeri (2009) states that in co-located organizations, leaders depended not only on language to communicate but also on other ques such as gestures, fascial expression, a pat on the back, hand gesticulation eye contact to communicate their feelings and messages. Most of these tools of communication are not available in the virtual world.
Ruggeri (2009) provides a contract between the leadership approaches which will be required in the virtual context. For him Leaders will need to migrate from Playing a transactional role which depends on positive re enforcements, use of compliments, reward and punishment to a playing a transformational role.
The transformational role relies on, the provision of intellectual stimulation, providing inspirational motivation, and providing individualized considerations. Leaders will not only have to develop new problem solving approaches themselves but in the virtual world their role will also become one of encouraging their followers to find their own solutions.
Ruggieri, S. (2009). Leadership in virtual teams: A comparison of transformational and transactional leaders. Society for Personality Research (Inc.), 37(8), 1017-1022.
DQ 3
If companies continue to go virtual, how will the role of the leader change?
There are many organizations that have adapted to the virtual dynamic to business, and they will continue to utilize the virtual dynamic and the role of leadership will change because the dynamic of the business will take on a new form. The individuals that are in leadership position have to be in a transitional type dynamic and have elements to lead the businesses in a competitive way. According to Colfax, Santos, & Diego (2009) Virtual teams will be a necessity for a long time in today's growing world and some of the staff with the talents that relates to the field of job service for the organization probably will not want to relocate due to their families. The leadership that will come in for the next 10 years will be needed to organize and lead the perspective teams so that the organization can continue to prosper for the years to come.
Reference: Colfax, R., Santos, A., & Diego, Joann (2009). Virtual Leadership: A green possibility in critical times but can it really work? Journal of International Business Research 8 (1)
Part 2
DQ 1
My doctoral journey has been a pleasant one. I have had the pleasure to have professors that are knowledgeable in their field and patient with my work. Each course taken so far has challenged me to go further into the academia world. I have learned so much from each course. I learned about leadership traits, behaviors, and skills, as well as different organizational structures and the need to adjust structures as global economies become more competitive. I have also learned that being in a leadership role implies so many responsibilities not only to employees, but to board of directors, consumers, and communities at large. As I continue through my doctoral journey I am confident that each course will guide me and prepare me to take on a leadership role post my doctoral journey. I will have learned different theories and models that I would will be able to help me find solutions to real life problems. Each course is also helping me prepare for my dissertation and helping me learn important elements needed to successfully complete my dissertation.
DQ 2
Thanks for sharing your reflection concerning residency. I am scheduled to attend in February. I am sorry to hear about your experience which wasn't as positive as you anticipated. I am passionate about my topic but with your perspective I think I will have a back up plan in mind in case it is not accepted.
I realized how rapidly things are changing with the virtual world and this is presenting a major paridigm shift. As an educator Google has taken over our technology and things are rapidly changing. Studentshafe chrome books and we are going to receive Surface Pros. I began with one email and now I think I am up to five. Consequently, I have had to put aside my more traditional mindset and get on board with the progression of technology or I will be the "teacher who got left behind."