
How will successful map implementation be measured

Suppose you will have to create a five page double spaced strategic management action plan (MAP) about patient safety in hospitals. Developing a MAP is a six-step process. TOPIC - Patient Safety in Hospitals

Project Step 1 - Clearly describe problem for improvement that you are working to improve. State why this issue is important to addressright now. Why is this issue a priority for our management efforts verses other problems out there? What are consequences for not resolving the problem right now? 

Project Step 2 - Desired outcome from MAP implementation should be clearly defined. What are you trying to accomplish? How will successful MAP implementation be measured or evaluated? What realistic constraints do you have as you begin creation of MAP? Limits on time, money and other resources must be considered. 

Project Step 3 - Why do you believe problem truly exists? Present a list of all possible actions that may need to be taken in order to achieve your stated MAP goal. 

Project Step 4 - A decision must be made on the sequencing of your key action steps. For each key action step, what other steps must be completed before that specific action can be taken? 

Project Step 5 - Involves accountability. Important that each key action step be assigned to a responsible party within organization and a suspense date by which each key action step must be completed. 

Project Step 6 - How the success of the MAP following implementation will be measured must be determined as well as how ongoing performance to prevent regression and loss of the positive change that has taken place will be monitored.  

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