Question: Paper 1--Doing & Being in College:
About how & why college fits into your plans for your life.
I am here because I want to be?
My girlfriend/boyfriend is here?
College is on a list of things to do?
There's nothing much else to do right now?
It's a chance to be independent?
It's an escape from home?
It's what Mom/Dad/Grandparents wants?
Think about what you would like to achieve-gain knowledge, make grades, get degrees, prepare for a job, make friends, participate in athletics, find a partner? What else?
How will college help you beyond merely satisfying DOING MODEL goals-pursuing happiness through competing, earning money, accumulating toys? Making others envy your money, your power and your fame?
How will college help you find, nurture & develop your inner self? Become self-actualizing?
What is your attitude toward school, learning & academic achievement? Is learning cool?
How important to you are new ideas, thinking, writing, discovering & being challenged and tested intellectually?
The paper must follow APA (6th ed.) format. You must have a title page and a reference page. A paper of five pages, including a title page. (Remember Double space, Times New Roman, 12 font, one inch margs)
Title Page: Page number, running head, title, your name, and name of the University. Your name should not be in the running head or page number.