Heart Rate Monitor Lab - Relaxation Techniques
Remember to moisten the electrodes on the attaching transmitter with the chest strap.
1. Put yourself in the most relaxing environment possible. Use a relaxation technique as described in your text, pp 319-321, to elicit a relaxed state of mind. Observe your heart rate at various times during the relaxation process.
HR Description
Beginning HR
HR at 5 minutes
HR at 10 minutes
HR at 15 minutes
1. How were you able to create an initial level of relaxation? What are the specific steps that you needed to accomplish to begin a decrease in your heart rate?
2. How difficult was it to become relaxed? What things interfered with this process?
3. Was the relaxation technique effective? If not, why not?
4. Give a few examples of situations that cause stress to you that might be controlled with a relaxation process.