Problem: Sorting Application
Pick one of the sorts and comment on how well the sort will solve the following problem At most, two students may select the same sort/implementation combination. Then respond to other students as you would normally.
It's time for a fire drill. Just as you are leaving work, your boss informs you that you need to incorporate a debugged, working sort into the hands-on demo scheduled first thing the day after tomorrow for the firm's most important client. No bells and whistles are expected. Tomorrow evening you are "expected" to attend the reception being given for the client, so the work must be finished before then. From your experience with the system, you know the data files tend to run a few hundred items, usually random, but a substantial minority is fairly ordered. The data records are small. Your boss does not know if this will become a permanent feature or not. You may assume that the integration into the system can be done in a couple of hours.