Hamlet movie review guidelines for ENGL 1205.2 K and L (Peirce)
Due Thursday, February 12, 2015 at the beginning of class.
Length: 1250-1500 words. Value: 10%. PLEASE DOUBLE SPACE!
Step 1: Choose a version of Hamlet and watch it on your own. Some suggestions: 1. 1990 version, starring Mel Gibson, 2. 1996 version, starring Kenneth Branagh, 3. 2009 version, starring David Tennant. These movies are available on YouTube and at Video Difference (Quinpool Rd.) If you would like to watch a different version of Hamlet, please let me know ahead of time.
Step 2: Write a review of your chosen movie, using the following paragraph topics as guidelines for your review.
Main character (Prince Hamlet) portrayal: how well do you feel the movie actor portrayed the character? Is this a credible Hamlet/ a sympathetic portrayal of this complicated character?
Time and place: In what era (approximately) did the director choose to set the movie? What details of setting, clothing, props helped you to determine the setting? What did the director's choice of setting contribute to viewers' understanding of the play, if at all?
Main female characters in Hamlet (Gertrude and Ophelia): How well did you feel the two actresses portrayed these characters? Are they generally weak or strong character portrayals?
Frame narrative (aka the Fortinbras subplot): Did the director choose to include the Fortinbras sections of the play or are these omitted in the screen version you saw? How does removing the Fortinbras scenes from the movie version change our understanding of the play?
One favourite and one least favourite scene from the movie. What did the director do exceptionally well, in your estimation? What might be one the movie's shortcomings?