
How well did the ceo make a business case for diversity


One of the more common ways organizations are seeking to develop a competitive advantage is through the upgrading and improving of their human capital. One tactic used in this regard is to increase diversity among the workforce. Diversity is much more that a mix of races and genders; it covers a wide range of characteristics that includes such things as multiple generations and sexual orientation.

In this case study, you will be looking at Aetna's attempts to increase diversity among its workforce with the intent of becoming more competitive. Review the Aetna Diversity Case Study and particularly Exhibit 8 in the case, and the accompanying background materials and address the following questions:

1. How well did the CEO make a business case for diversity? What could have been done differently?

2. What should he do next?

3. Identify another organization that uses diversity as part of their business strategy (for example, Levi Strauss and Co.) How successful have they been with this effort?

4. How does that organization's emphasis compare to Aetna's?

Prepare a 4 -page paper (not including title page and reference list) that addresses these issues. Include at least 5 library sources to strengthen the discussion.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing upon all of the required background readings and any relevant sources from your prior courses and your own library and Internet research (reputable websites).

Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a "List of References," and a strong introduction, subheadings, and conclusion). Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors.

Address all aspects of the assignment as stated above.

Limit your Internet searching and focus instead on library searches and be sure to bring in information from the background readings.
Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes, numbered end notes or APA style of referencing.

Required Reading

Barney, J. & Wright, P. (1998). On becoming a strategic partner: The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. Human Resource Management, 37(1), 31.

Fernandez, J. (1995). Diversity delivers competitive advantage. Executive Excellence, 12(5), 20.

Pahuja, S., & Ramesh, C. (2012). Achieving competitive advantage through HR practices: A case study. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, 1(2), 35-43.


Swarnalatha, C., & Prasanna, T. S. (2013). Leveraging employee engagement for competitive advantage: Strategic role of HR. Review of HRM, 2, 139-148.

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