
How water quality impacts you in your daily activities such

Module Journal Guidelines

Overview: This journal activity is private between you and the instructor. Review this tutorial for information on creating a Blackboard journal entry.

Prompt: For this journal assignment, you will consider a local environmental issue that interests you and affects you personally. You will also review the Final

Project Guidelines and Rubric document. This exercise is the first step to completing the final project and will also aid in your research and writing skills.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

- Select a pressing local environmental issue that has personal relevance. You may find ideas from the textbook, from mainstream media, or from the list provided. Once you choose a large-scale issue, think about how the issue impacts you personally. For example, you may be interested in water quality (the larger issue). You could then consider how water quality impacts you in your daily activities such as drinking water that is contaminated with pharmaceuticals or agricultural waste (personal impact).

- Compose a brief (1- to 2-paragraph) introduction to your topic by stating why it is a pressing issue. Be sure to support your statements with facts and details from credible sources.

- State how the issue impacts you personally (1 paragraph) and include a summary of at least one local or regional problem associated with this issue (1 paragraph).

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Dissertation: How water quality impacts you in your daily activities such
Reference No:- TGS02499497

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