How water gains and losses affect the body

Assignment task:

Purpose: This is to help you understand how water gains and losses affect the body.

Instructions: Read the brief case study below and respond to the prompts. Do not respond to the questions one-by-one but create a comprehensive response in which all questions are addressed. Be sure to include in-text citations.

Dylan is working a construction crew in the summer, in Texas. She works a 6 hour shift in the afternoon. She also goes for a 5-6 mile run about 6:30 PM every day. She drinks several gallons of water every day.

1. Does this sound like an appropriate amount of water? Too much? Too little? Elaborate on your reasoning. Be sure to take into context other factors in the environment as a part of your response.

2. Discuss her water gains and losses. What are the processes by which this occurs?

3. What do water and electrolytes do for our bodies? How does Dylan's water intake impact her body?

4. Discuss the symptoms of dehydration and hyponatremia? Which, if either, do you think she is in danger of?

5. What would you recommend for her to remain healthy as she works through the summer as a member of her construction crew?

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Other Subject: How water gains and losses affect the body
Reference No:- TGS03363435

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