
How was violence against innocents justified by algerian fln


Use Hrebek and Fanon's chapters and the Battle of Algiers movie to answer the questions below.

Using Algeria and other countries as examples, what were some of the difference between the decolonization of settler colonies (colonies that were home to European settlers), and African colonies that were not home to settlers?

Using Algeria as a case study, how did nationalist construct "nationality" in Africa during the decolonization period? What processes were involved in creating political movements and independent states? Think about the formation of local political elites, the mobilization of populations, the assertion of common cultural, linguistic, and religious identities, etc. Could it be argued that building nationalism in Africa during the 1950s and 1960s involved processes of exclusion?

How was violence against innocents (terror) justified by the Algerian FLN to achieve independence? By the French to hold on to the colony? What were the claims of moral superiority or attaining higher goals that both parties used to justify their brutality against civilians?

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History: How was violence against innocents justified by algerian fln
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