Part 1: Product Idea
Using your product example from the previous Discussion Board post, begin your paper with the following:
• What is your product, and why do you feel the product you have selected is innovative within its industry?
• How was the product introduced to the market, and which approach was used-entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship?
• Give a brief description of some advantages, disadvantages, or challenges resulting from using the particular approach?
Part 2: Business Model
Then, create a scenario that illustrates what might have happened had the following occurred:
• The intrapreneurial product been brought to market through entrepreneurship.
• The entrepreneurial product been brought to market through intrapreneurial means.
• Explain the different risks, skill sets, organizational assets, funding, and keys to success that would have been necessary to accomplish this different approach.
• Assignment Objectives
Critically evaluate the role of business in society
Assess the role and nature of entrepreneurship
Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages with references