
How was the concept operationalized in the study

Assignment task: Compare the first article below to the second. Answer the questions about them.

How and where does the conceptualization differ from one another? Are there dimensions of the concept that you or others hadn't considered? How was the concept operationalized in the study? Was the measurement valid and reliable?

Seely, H. D., & Mickelson, K. D. (2021). Role of Gender and Emotionality Stigma in Perceived Parental Emotion Dysregulation and Adult Children's Internalizing Symptoms. Sex Roles, 85(9/10), 515-527.

Berenbaum, S. A., & DiDonato, M. D. (2010). The benefits and drawbacks of gender typing: How different dimensions are related to psychological adjustment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(2), 457-463.

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