
How was the complaint laid

Assignment Task: Email to Kara

At Hamilton Now Realty, Kara has received a complaint. The complaint is about failing to disclose the true condition of a property and has been referred to the CAC. Kara is worried by this charge as she realises she may have been somewhat offhand about presenting properties.

Kara has now been contacted by an REA investigator to say the investigator will be conducting an inquiry into the complaint made against her.

Kara has emailed some questions to her branch manager, Merepeka, about the REA and what may happen.

This is what Kara has asked:

1. How was the complaint laid and how has it reached this stage?

2. What happens now the CAC have decided to inquire into the complaint?

3. Do I have to attend a hearing?

4. What do I have to prepare?

5. Is the CAC decision final?

6. What's the difference between what CAC does and what the Disciplinary Tribunal does?

7. Are Tribunal decisions final?

8. Will there be repercussions for the Company and for you, Merepeka, as my manager?

Imagine you are Merepeka. Write an email that replies to Kara's questions. Make sure there is a clear outline what the branch manager can do to support Kara through the investigation. (400-600 words)

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Other Subject: How was the complaint laid
Reference No:- TGS03309542

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