
How was the appropriate analytic approach selected how was

Case Study Assignment

Case studies may be from a variety of types of organizations (financial, advertising, manufacturing, online, service, acquisition, retention), or you may focus more specifically on an area of special interest or relevance to you. Focusing on an area is highly encouraged. Focusing on one area usually produces a higher quality article. The majority of studies should be recent (post 2008) and should contain enough detail to allow evaluation of the manner in which the use of analytics enabled the organizations to reach their goals. Eric Seigal'sbook as well as Davenport and Harris book are good sources for this assignment. You can also use your own research to select case studies with a common theme that may span outside of these two books. However, utilize peer-reviewed cases (for example, cases from a journal like INFORMS Transactions on Education) instead of self-published marketing cases.

A minimum of 5 Cases should be discussed. Well established areas should include more than 5 articles.

A summation of the case studies will display your understanding of the relationship between the theories presented in the readings and the real-life examples presented in the case studies. Questions to be addressed in the summation paper include (but are not limited to):

- What was the ultimate value of the analytics for the organizations?
- How was the appropriate analytic approach selected?
- How was data collected, and how were data quality issues handled?
- What type of analytic competitors were the organizations before, and after, their use of analytics?
- Where did the organizations make improvements? The strategic level?Functional?Globally?

Other learning from the case studies should be included in the summation. The summation should begin with an executive summary.

Formatting: Submit a Word document. However, the page limit is 10 for this assignment. All papers must include an Abstract. Begin with the word Abstract immediately following the title block with one blank line in between. . There should be a single blank line between the heading and this text. The abstract should be fully justified and consist of a single paragraph not exceeding 100 words.


Three to five keywords related to the main topic must be specified for all submissions. For example, Healthcare, Management Science, operations research, stochastic processes.

Paper title: 16 point Times New Roman bold, centered Author listing: 12 pt. Times New Roman, bold, centered Author names; department or college; university or company; city, state and zip, country. Authors with the same affiliation must be grouped together on the same line with affiliation information following in a single block. An example is shown above.

Text should be organized into sections and subsections, with an Introduction and a Conclusions section being advisable. A single line should separate paragraphs; no indentation should be used. Font guidelines are as follows:

• Section Headings: Numbered, 12 point, bold, Upper and Lower Case, left-justified; leave one blank line above only.
• Section Sub-headings: Numbered, 10 point, bold, Upper and Lower Case, left-justified; leave one blank line above only.

Regular text: 10 pt. Times New Roman, full justified, with a single line between paragraphs.

References and Citations from Texts

At least, three journal / conference proceedings articles should be referenced. References should be numbered and listed in a separate section labeled References (this section should have no section number) at the end of the document. Within the text, they should be cited by the corresponding list number, which should be enclosed in brackets [1]. If you refer to two documents, use the following format [6, 7]. If you refer to more than three documents listed consecutively, use the format [5-8].

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Dissertation: How was the appropriate analytic approach selected how was
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