
How was that defensiveness managed


I. Review and critique a simulated exit interview, looking for the degree to which the process was followed related to doing exit interviews, the strengths and weaknesses that you saw and suggestions for improving the process.

II. You will review a series of exit interview questions, explain the rationale for each question and add questions that you would like to see in an exit interview.


The following 26-minute video features an exit interview (actually two interviews as you will see one employee leaving for another job and a second employee taking early retirement. This video is a simulation and was made by students in an EE Relations course in an earlier semester.

Simulated Video: Exit Interview

Exit Interview Questions Template: Exit Interview Questions


1) Review the video as many times as you wish taking notes on what you felt worked well in the interview process and what weaknesses you saw in how the interview was conducted. You should refresh your memory as to what typically happens in exit interviews so you will be able to evaluate the process you are viewing.

2) In addition to evaluating the process, you should also be looking at the interaction itself. Did you see any defensiveness on either the interviewer or interviewee's part? How was that defensiveness managed? How effective was the interviewer in creating an environment in which the departing employee felt comfortable talking?

3) Review the attached list of typical exit interview questions. Critique each question and provide your rationale for using each question. What other questions would you like to see in an exit interview and explain why?

4) Your Summary and conclusion should indicate the key learning points that you are taking away from this assignment and how you plan to apply this learning.

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HR Management: How was that defensiveness managed
Reference No:- TGS03283484

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