
How was percentage breakdown of carbohydrates-fats-protein


Are we exactly "what we eat?" Let's find out by completing a nutritional analysis. Analyze 7 days of your daily food and beverage intake. A recommendation is to analyze 4 days during the week and 1 day on the weekend for a total of 5 days.

You may analyze 7 days for the week but only need to submit 5 days.

Complete a nutritional analysis using MyFitnessPal. Introduction to MyFitnessPal. Once you sign up for a free account you may enter foods on a computer or use the app on a smartphone. When searching for foods you may also scan an item from a food label. (see Content for additional directions)

Choose a report and select Calories. Take a screenshot. Paste into a word document.

Choose a report and select Proteins. Take a screenshot.

Choose a report and select Carbohydrates, Take a screenshot.

Choose a report and select Fats. Take a screenshot.

Choose one report, nutrient important to you and add, such as calcium, saturated fat, sodium, etc.

All reports will be in one word document.

Answer the questions :

How to use MyFitnessPal. (Video)

Introduction to MyFitnessPal; My FitnessPal App.

Answer the following questions:

Did you eat enough calories? How many did you average?

How was the percentage breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and protein?

What kind of improvements will you be making to your diet? Be specific; do not say just need to eat more. What specific changes will you include?

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Other Subject: How was percentage breakdown of carbohydrates-fats-protein
Reference No:- TGS02092746

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