How was nurse communication with emily


Mrs. Smith, a 70-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital have following a stroke. She has a limit of mobility and requires assistance with daily activities. Her daughter has been involved, actively in her care and is highly anxious about her mother's condition.. during the morning nurse a nursing student is assigned to Mrs. Smith and expresses concerned about her mother's progress and becomes cheerful, explaining how scared she feels about her mother's health nurse. Sarah listens to tentatively but appears somewhat distance and fails to offer emotional support. She provides clinical updates in a factual manner, but does not acknowledge Emily's emotional distress.. Emily feels dismissed and cared for by nurse Sarah's response. She becomes more upset and feels like her concerns are not being taken care of seriously. How did Nurse demonstrate her ability to recognize and responding emotional cues from Emily and Mrs. Smith ? And what ways could Nurse have shown greater empathy towards Emily's emotional state? How was Nurse's communication with Emily? Did she effectively convey information while considering Emily's emotional vulnerability? What is the importance of balancing clinical updates with emotional support and nursing care?

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