How was he able to overcome the obstacles and implement

Discussion Post

• How would you evaluate Paul Polman's 2010 decision to implement a new strategy based on the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan? Describe how the strategy looks to different stakeholders in the 2010 context (i.e., shareholders, employees, suppliers, and NGOs). What might each stakeholder group like about it? What might concern them?

• Given your analysis of the many risks, barriers, and impediments Polman faced in introducing this bold USLP strategy, how was he able to overcome these obstacles and implement such a successful radical transformation?

• In 2015, Polman faced another critical decision point. Should he double down by pushing ahead on the USLP objectives, hunker down by scaling back on USLP and focusing on the current financial challenges, or pivot and refocus the strategy on new partnership-based transformational change agenda? Defend your recommendation. Identify critical strategic communication considerations.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How was he able to overcome the obstacles and implement
Reference No:- TGS03080172

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