
How wagamese uses risk representation like counternarratives


Close Reading- Indian Horse

Textual Example-"When your innocence is stripped from you, when your people are denigrated, when the family you came from is denounced and your tribal ways and rituals are pronounced backward, primitive, savage, you come to see yourself as less than human. That is hell on earth, that sense of unworthiness. That's what they inflicted on us. The beatings hurt. The threats belittled us...nighttime invasions." (Wagamese 81)

Scholarly quote-"Confronting past and ongoing colonial violence toward Indigenous peoples means exposing the myth of a good and kind Canada as a myth. By pulling away the façade of innocence, settlers might well come to feel ashamed of-even trapped or defined by-what it reveals about who we really are" (165).

How can these two quotes connect to each other and connect to this displays how Wagamese uses the risk of representation like counternarratives to deconstruct the myth of settlers as heroes (Peace maker myth) in the Indian Horse.

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English: How wagamese uses risk representation like counternarratives
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