1. Verbal Communication
Describing how verbal and nonverbal communication can affect communication in the following areas that criminal justice professionals may find themselves in:
- Police situations (public announcement to the press)
- Courtroom setting (testifying)
- Corrections facility (employees, peers, inmates)
- Juvenile facility (employees, peers, inmates)
Identify one communication guideline or preferred practice for each area.
Include one to three references to support your findings.
2. Police Report
Resource: Minnesota v. Riff court case documents,
Search the Internet for the Minnesota v. Riff court case
Write an arrest-and-incident police report using the specified guidelines and parameters for report writing as outlined in the assigned readings.
- Assume the role of the investigating officer.
- The report must be factual, accurate, objective, and complete.
- Ensure the police report is as long as necessary, concise, clear, and mechanically correct.