
How various news and media outlets cover the same story

Problem 1: You can search for a news story (within the last 6 months) on ANY social justice issue or advocacy movement. Use keywords to search on Google News, for Child Care Advocacy Ontario.

Problem 2: Examine how various news and media outlets cover the same story (e.g. Toronto Star, National Post, Globe and Mail, TVO, CBC, Buzzfeed, etc). Find at least 2 news articles covering the same/similar story that are from different media outlets. Facebook and Instagram posts are not credible news sources.

Problem 3: APA references (with links) for the articles you read for this assignment.

Problem 4: What is the issue or event discussed in the articles and how is it related to social justice and advocacy? Briefly describe the story and how it reflects social justice/advocacy.

Problem 5: How many articles did you find about this story and what news/media outlets were they from? Remember, you need at least 2 articles on the same story/issue from different media outlets (e.g. Toronto Star & National Post)

Problem 6: Who are the experts, advocates or leaders being quoted in the article and what was their position on the issue at hand? How were they portrayed in the articles? Did media outlets differ in their portrayal of the person/people quoted?

Problem 7: What are your final thoughts, feelings and learning's about the story after exploring the coverage from various news and media outlets?

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Reference No:- TGS03312520

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