
How variation in labour market policies across

School of Public Policy and Administration

Canada's Labour Market

The following are the general guidelines for the Research paper:

1. Essay paper is to be related to labour market policies in Canada.

2. Proper referencing and bibliography are necessary. Their assessment will be part of the grade.

3. Sources should be no less than 6 pieces including articles and books. Materials from the internet cannot constitute any more than 50% of your sources.

4. The length of paper should be around 7 pages.

5-Students are strongly encouraged to prepare outlines and review them with the course director.

6- Grading will be based on organization, grammar, style, argumentative and theoretical coherence, quality of research and integration of research materials.

7. Late papers will receive a 2% grade reduction for each day that it is late.

8- In order to avoid slipping into the realm of plagiarism, students are advised to familiarize themselves with York University's definition of academic dishonesty.

Your research paper should be confined to one of the following topics/questions: However, students can select their own research essay topic as long as their topic is related to Canadian labour market policy and they receive a prior approval of the instructor.

1-Should collective bargaining be strengthened?

2-Do migrant workers constitute a threat to the labour market for the youth?

3-should Canada's immigration policy be in lines with the imperatives of Canadian labour market?

4-Should minimum wage be increased?

5-Is workfare program a solution to unemployment?

6-Should the eligibility criteria for EI (Employment Insurance) benefits be relaxed?

7-How variation in labour market policies across jurisdictions can be explained? select two provinces as your case study.

8-Is employment equity desirable?

9-Should social assistance be tied to active labour market policies?

10- Should labour market regulations be relaxed?

11- Does race affect labour market outcomes?

12- have technological developments created challenges for labour market policies?

13- are there effective labour market programs that can enhance the employability of aborigine peoples?

14- Does the existence of legislation favouring labour rights affect labour market performance?

15- are labour market policies capable of reducing income inequality?

16- Does globalization affect labour market policy?

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History: How variation in labour market policies across
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