
How utilitarianism supports the totality of consequences

Assignment task:

Applied Ethics: Utilitarian or Deontology

There are multiple ethical principles that will be applied to the pandemic world in this course. To assist with understanding the concepts involved, we will present them in a very narrow fashion. This week, we are exploring utilitarian and deontological principles, so view the video from within that context.

Italy was one of the first countries to be stricken with COVID 19 that was candid about what was happening. Italy not only kept the rest of the world informed, but was open and honest about cases, deaths, conditions, what led to the crisis, and what was needed to prevent the same thing from happening elsewhere.

Watch the video: Italian doctor says corona virus was like a bomb that exploded

Expand on what pandemic responses would arise from utilitarian and deontological ethics.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

1. Utilitarianism supports the totality of consequences. From the view of those at risk of catching the virus, list at least five actions that would decrease their chances of becoming ill

2. Deontology supports doing the right thing for the right reasons, without focusing on actions or outcomes. Two main questions Kant would ask is "what can I know?" and "what ought I do?" From the view of those tasked with deciding what actions to order, answer the questions: What is the right and moral thing to do?

3. Discuss which ethical perspective makes the most sense to you

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Reference No:- TGS03307775

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