
How useful the article will be for your final paper


Choose an article review related to an area of problem solving, decision making, or an intelligence theory that was discussed in class (e.g., fluid or crystalline intelligence, primary/secondary reinforcers, biases, or effective problem-solving strategies). Select two areas of focus and locate two articles for each, for a total of four articles. Use an annotated reference list. Each annotation should include a brief summary of the article, an assessment of the credibility of the source, and an evaluation of how useful the article will be for your final paper. Your concluding paragraph should be a synthesis of the studies used for the annotated reference list. The articles must meet the following criteria: The article must be from a peer-reviewed journal. The article must be obtained from the GCU Library. The article must be a research study, rather than a literature review (i.e., not a meta-analysis or systematic review...the study must be empirical, have methods, results, and discussion sections). The article must utilize a cognitive or behavioral theory, model, or effect. Use at least four scholarly resources.

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Reference No:- TGS03349864

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