A. How are dominant cultural stereotypes perpetuated by organizational or institutional structures? How might this perpetuation affect an individual's ability to develop awareness about prejudice?
B. What are some of the values that you hold that might limit your ability to make connections with others who are different from you?
C. How might universities better integrate issues of multiculturalism, privilege, and racial identity development into both their curricula and training experiences?
D. Why do you think there might be resistance from those in dominant social locations to acknowledging the operations of privilege?
E. How might an acknowledgment of the intersections of privilege and marginalization benefit you, your workplace? What challenges do you foresee in implementing such an approach?
F. Why might the author's American hosts have shielded her from society's impoverished or neglected areas?
G. Explore how shared histories, ethnicities, power, privilege, oppression, and geographies affect how we perceive and treat those whom we deem to be like and unlike.