How understanding risk and protective factors can assist

Discussion Post

You had the opportunity to learn about the risk and protective factors for child maltreatment. Further, you were introduced to Belsky's three theoretical frameworks explaining what causes child maltreatment.

For this discussion, review your notes from throughout the lesson and share your response to the following:

a) Highlight at least two risk factors and two protective factors that either stuck out to you or surprised you.
b) Discuss in your own words, why it's important to understand the risk and protective factors for child maltreatment.
c) Describe how understanding risk and protective factors can assist in addressing the issue of child maltreatment.
d) Detail what made sense to you about Belsky's three theoretical frameworks and what surprised you.
e) How does this information impact your comprehension of child maltreatment?

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Reference No:- TGS03351437

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