How tv-media impact violent-aggressive behavior

Discussion Post

Topic: How TV /media impact violent/aggressive behavior

We hypothesize that children's male TV show characters will depict more physically aggressive behavior than female characters.

Hypothesis 2*: We hypothesize that children's female TV show characters will depict more socially aggressive behavior than male characters.

1) Discuss the similarity (or lack thereof) of results to previous research. You will likely be referring to studies you reviewed in your Introduction. You may introduce a new study or two only if it helps to explain an unexpected finding.

2) If your findings do not support your hypothesis and are inconsistent with previous research, provide possible reasons (may be related to limitations; if so, make that point very clear).

3) Discuss at least 2 limitations of your study - discuss why they are limitations.

4) Conclude the Discussion with a sentence or two that succinctly summarizes the study, implications of the findings (i.e., why are the findings important; e.g., for practices, theories, knowledge), and future directions for this research topic.

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How tv-media impact violent-aggressive behavior
Reference No:- TGS03079598

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