
How transference and counter-transference issues manifest


(Historical Developments of Human Services)

Why is it important for human services workers, and the professionals they assist, to have a theoretical framework for helping and creating change?

How might transference and counter-transference issues manifest themselves in your work with participants? How about unconscious defenses?


Learning Team Charter Team "D"

Do you think that a therapist should be an active participant in the treatment of his or her clients? Why or why not?

What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement? In your opinion, is either effective? Why or why not?


Annotated Bibliography- Stages of Change Model

Self-Management Behavior Contract: To Lose weight and lower my BMI (1450+ Words)

Do you agree with the necessity for autonomy as defined by the cognitive theorists? Why?

What kinds of all-or-nothing thinking have you detected in yourself? How will you stop it?

Describe what is meant by a genogram?

Explain the positive and negative roles that rules can play in the family system.

Team Assignment - Outlining the Major System Theories Presentation (17 Slides)

How Maslow's hierarchy of does needs relate to effective counseling?

How might your cultural biases interfere with your effectiveness as a counselor?

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