
How transaction affect the accounting equation

1. Ramirez Company received their first electric bill in the amount of $60 which will be paid next month. How will this transaction affect the accounting equation?

  • Increase Liabilities (Accounts Payable) and decrease Owner's Equity (Utilities Expense)
  • Increase Liabilities (Accounts Receivable) and decrease Owner's Equity (Utilities Expense)
  • Decrease Assets (Cash) and decrease Liabilities (Accounts Payable)
  • Decrease Assets (Cash) and decrease Owner's Equity (Utilities Expense)

2. Earning revenue:

  • increases assets, increases owner's equity.
  • increases assets, decreases owner's equity
  • increases one asset, decreases another asset
  • decreases assets, increases liabilities

3. How does the purchase of equipment by signing a note affect the accounting equation?

  • assets increase; assets decrease
  • assets increase; liabilities decrease
  • assets increase; liabilities increase
  • assets increase; owner's equity increases

4. The objectivity principle requires that:

  • business transactions must be consistent with the objectives of the entity
  • the Financial Accounting Standards Board must be fair and unbiased in its deliberations over new accounting standards
  • accounting principles must meet the objectives of the Security and Exchange Commission
  • amounts recorded in the financial statements must be based on independently verifiable evidence

5. Which of the following is not true of accounting principles?

  • Financial accountants follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
  • Following GAAP allows accounting information users to compare one company to another.
  • A new accounting principle can be adopted with stockholders approval.
  • The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has primary responsibility for developing accounting principles.
  • Accounting principles develop from research, accepted accounting practices, and pronouncements of authoritative bodies.

6. Profit is the difference between:

  • assets and liabilities
  • the incoming cash and outgoing cash
  • the assets purchased with cash contributed by the owner and the cash spent to operate the business
  • the assets received for goods and services and the amounts used to provide the goods and services

7. Presently, the dominant body in the development of accounting principles is the:

  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • American Accounting Association (AAA)
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)

8. Owned resources of a business are referred to as:

  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Equities
  • Revenues

9. The assets and liabilities of the company are $175,000 and $40,000, respectively. Owner's equity should equal:

  • $215,000
  • $135,000
  • $175,000
  • $40,000

10. How does paying a liability in cash affect the accounting equation?

  • assets increase; liabilities decrease
  • assets increase; liabilities increase
  • assets decrease; liabilities decrease
  • liabilities decrease; owner's equity increases

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Accounting Basics: How transaction affect the accounting equation
Reference No:- TGS0555341

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