
How train observers in acting to stop bullying in workplace

Assignment task: How do you train the observers in acting to stop bullying in the workplace? Who should do this? How should they do it? And of course, also why they should do it.

Argumentative topic: Business Management in Public Health Workplace Bullying

Identify two different sources:

1. Killing two birds with one stone: Intervening when witnessing bullying at the workplace may help both target and the acting observer.

2. Putting Workplace Bullying in Context: The Role of High-Involvement Work Practices in the Relationship between Job Demands, Job Resources, and Bullying Exposure.

Two peer-reviewed journal articles:

1. Vranjes, I., Notelaers, G., & Salin, D. (2022). Putting workplace bullying in context: The role of high-involvement work practices in the relationship between job demands and bullying exposure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1), 136-151.

2. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (2001) 94:261-273

Identify how both sources relate to what you listed as topic

Witnessing bullying at work are both related to negatively affecting both employees and organizations by reducing employee well-being and increasing organizational costs due to absenteeism, employee turnover, and lost productivity. Organizations should therefore invest in ways to increase constructive bystander behavior in negative social situations at the workplace.

Explain how sources relate to one another. How are they adding to one another?

These sources both relate to workplace bullying that can be seen as a process comprising several phases, from the more exposure to occasional aggressive behaviors to stages of severe victimization and trauma where the targets risk exclusion from the workplace and even from working life. They both add to one another by lack of sufficient understanding of the role organizational context plays in influencing employees' experiences.

Finally, identify what these sources add to your knowledge, what questions these sources raise, what is missing from them, and what you might add to this "conversation."

Like other health issues, the impact of workplace bullying has measurable diagnostic implications and the clustering of adverse physical and psychological symptoms of bullying victims is definable. Multiple studies have shown that it can negatively impact a person's mental health and can even lead to long-term psychological trauma. Organizations should cultivate a culture in which bullying does not occur. Organized staff should work with all interested stakeholders to ensure safe work environments within their institutions. Fostering respect and appreciation among colleagues across disciplines and ranks can contribute to an atmosphere in which employees feel safe, secure and confident in their roles and professions. This can help with many factors and prevent hostile situations from occurring.

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HR Management: How train observers in acting to stop bullying in workplace
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