
How topic tie into childrens learning & childhoods

Assignment task: In this task, you will make a poster advocating for one of the following topics:

  • Loose parts
  • Play
  • Play work
  • Place-thought & past-present
  • Building connections to place, children & families.
  • Risky Play

Consider the following prompts:

1. What are the benefits?

2. What theory does it connect to?

3. What do people need to know?

4. Link this to children's learning, through the Framework/s.

5. How does your topic tie into children's learning & childhoods?

6. What perspectives can this be viewed through? For example, feminist, ethical, socio materials etc. 

7. How do you include Indigenous perspectives? 

  • You are to include 2-3 references. Make clear connections to theories from the unit content by including these ideas in your poster.
  • Take into consideration the layout/design, the language you use and the colours you choose.
  • Think about how you can include visuals to highlight your points
  • Along with your poster, submit a 250 word reflection on your poster. Why did you design it the way you did? What challenges did you face? What did you find useful?

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Other Subject: How topic tie into childrens learning & childhoods
Reference No:- TGS03353300

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